Add Actual Exchange Rate

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Utilities > Currencies > Browse Actual Exchange Rates; click the Add icon


You can add an actual exchange rate on the Add Actual Exchange Rate page.




To add an actual exchange rate, provide the exchange rate information by filling in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


From Currency*: The From Currency of the exchange rate record. You can choose one from the dropdown list which contains all the currencies used by your organization.


To Currency*: The To Currency of the exchange rate record. It is the default organization currency by default. You can choose one from the dropdown list which contains all the currencies used by your organization. Please note that the selected currency code must be different from the From currency.


Effective Date*: The date from which the exchange rate record shall be effective.


Exchange Rate*: The rate of the exchange rate record. Negative numbers and zero are not allowed.


Note: the note for the exchange rate record. It is optional.


Click the Save button to save the exchange rate. System will then go to the Browse Actual Exchange Rates page.


Click the Save & Add button to save the exchange rate and continue to add another one.


Click the Cancel button to cancel your operation. No exchange rate will be added, and system will then go to the Browse Actual Exchange Rates page.


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