Getting Started with CIPAce

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This help file & user manual is a course in using CIPAce or a reference while you are working with the system.


Study the Introduction to learn to familiarize yourself with the basics of the system.


Product Description


CIPAce is a web-based Enterprise Software application specifically designed for public sector Capital Program Management (CPM) over the course of an entire life cycle.


CPM typically includes Planning, Budgetary and Fund Management, and Project Management. CIPAce however carries CPM to a higher level. It not only manages the Capital Program life cycle, it also manages the CPM process, literally enabling agencies to define, manage, and measure the performance of the Capital Programs and the projects within them.


Additionally, CIPAce provides Capital Program Portfolio management, enabling agencies to assess, evaluate, and prioritize Capital Programs and their projects in order to determine the most optimal use of funds with consideration given to criteria and factors both of a quantitative and qualitative nature, such as fiscal, environmental, and public safety.


Finally CIPAce provides a comprehensive Decision Support and Knowledge management function critical to achieving an effective CPM solution.


Key Features


A Portfolio and Decision Management tool for developing sound Capital Improvement Plans and Programs


A Knowledge Management tool to store proposals, projects, funding plans, and approvals


A Data Management system to capture, control, and disseminate data during the process


A Process Management Tool to organize and control the process


A Project Management Tool enabling schedule and resource management


An Issue and Risk Mitigation Management Tool


A Single View and Source for effectively achieving CPM Integrating with other Enterprise Applications (ERP, CRM, Financial Systems, GIS, and Legacy Systems)


A Program Management Tool for managing Capital Improvement Programs over their life cycle





Database Server


Windows Server 2003/2008 R2


Internet Information Services (IIS) 6/7 (optional for OLAP deployment)


SQL Server 2005/2008 R2 with Analysis Services Components(Enterprise for multiple currency support)


Web Application Server


Windows Server 2003/2008 R2


Internet Information Services (IIS) 6/7


.NET Framework 4.0


Crystal Report Redistribute for .NET 2008


Microsoft Project Professional 2003/2007 (including .Net Programmability Support)




Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7


Internet Explorer 7.0/8.0/9.0


Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0


Adobe PDF Reader


.NET Framework 4.0


Excel 2003/2007/2010


Word 2007 (required for Dynamic Documents)


Microsoft Silverlight (required for Document Management)

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