Add Financial Scoping Type

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Navigate Here: Planning > Scoping > Financial Scoping Type; Click Add icon Add


You can add new financial scoping type on the Add Financial Scoping Type screen.




To add a financial scoping type, fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Financial Scoping Type Display Name*: The display name of the new financial scoping type. This name should be unique in the system.


Financial Scoping Type Default Name*: The system attribute name of the new financial scoping type, which cannot be edited once this financial type is created. This name should be unique in the system.


Note: The financial scoping type default name must be inputted with number or English letter and must begin with letters.


Is Active*:  When the Active checkbox is select, this financial type is active. If not, this financial will not be shown in the system.


Is System: Only the 3 default Financial scoping types, Project Cost, Operation Cost and Maintenance Cost will be selected as "Yes" in this radio button. For the other financial scoping types added by the user, the Is System radio button will be grayed out.


Click the Save button; the newly added financial type will be shown in Browse Financial Scoping Types interface.


Click the Cancel button to go to the Browse Financial Scoping Types screen without saving the new financial scoping type.


You can also click the Save & Add button to save the new financial scoping type and then add another.



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