Batch Update User Workspace

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Navigate Here: Users > User Management > Update Users' Cycle & Scenario



Authorized users can change the workspaces of the selected users on the Batch Update User Workspace page.




The current selected users will be shown in Set Workspace For User(s) section by in "Login Name - First Name & Last name" format.


Each cycle and its scenario list will be displayed in a table, a cycle & scenario will be selected by the radio button under the column "Is User Working Cycle" based on below rules:


If only one user has been selected, his working cycle & scenario will be selected.

If multiple users have been selected and they have the same working cycle & scenario, then this cycle & scenario will be selected.

If multiple users have been selected and they have different working cycle & scenario, then the system default cycle & scenario will be selected.


You can change the Cycle and User Working Scenario manually for the selected users by selecting a different scenario in the drop down list or clicking the radio button in a different line.


Click the Save button to save the changes and all views of planning data with cycle & scenario will be reset to this new setting for the selected users immediately, while other users will not be affected


Click the Reset button to clear the latest inputs.


Click the Reset to System Default button to reset to the system default cycle & scenario immediately. Note, the working cycle & scenario of the selected users will be updated automatically every time the system default cycle & scenario changes until somebody changes them manually next time.


Note, if you have changed your own working cycle & scenario in above operation, the system will force you to log out after the changes have been saved successfully.




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