Configure Project Server

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Navigate Here: Utilities > System Management > Application Settings > click the Project Server tab


On the Project Server tab page, you can configure Microsoft Project Server for the MS Project function in the Project Management module.




The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


URL*: The URL of the Project web server.


Server*: The IP address or host name of the database.


Database*: The name of the database.


User ID*: Use the User ID to connect to the database.


Password*: Use the password to connect to the database.


You can test whether the project server is configured correctly by clicking the Test Web Server button.  If the project server is configured correctly, a login interface will appear.


You can test whether the project server database is configured correctly by clicking the Test Database button after you fill in the User ID and Password.


You can save all the settings on the page by clicking the Save button.

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