Edit Annotation

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Navigate Here: Documents -> Browse Documents -> Click the Markup icon markup of a Document

On the Document Markup page, you can view all annotations made in the document and perform adjustments to the existing annotations.

Document Markup_View Annotation

When an existing annotation is selected, a context menu will appear with options specific to that annotation type.  Each type of annotation has corresponding options in the context menu, and users may perform adjustments to the selected annotation with those options.  The following is an example of the context menu for the text annotation.  

Text Context

Options in the context menu are detailed as below:

Fill Color tabFill Color : allows adjustment of text color and opacity.

Border Color tab Border Color: allows adjustment of border color and thickness.

Font Options tabFont Options : allows adjustment of font styles.

Layer Order tabLayer Order : allows adjustment of the vertical stack position of a selected annotation.

Delete Markup iconDelete Markup: allows users to delete the selected annotations.

Annotation Options iconAnnotation Options : allows users to show or hide the context menu.

Move Menu iconMove Menu: allows users to move the context menu to the top or the bottom of the document.

Please note that if no annotations have been added, modified, or deleted from the document, users will be prompted by Nothing to Save message as below when the user click the Save buttonSave button .

Fail to Save Markup




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