Fund Group Summary Report

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Fund Group Summary Report is a report on fund group summary in a specific filtering phase.


You can configure the below settings before viewing the report.  These settings will affect the content and layout of the report.




Fund Group: Select whether to contain all fund groups or only a specific fund group.


Data From: Define whether the revenue data is from Calculated or Estimated.  Estimated revenue is the forecasted revenue of the fund group, while calculated revenue is the total actual revenues of all the funds under the fund group.


Filtering Phase: Select a filtering phase that determines the funded projects in the report. Please note each filtering phase has its own funded and unfunded project list and carries its own set of funding allocation numbers. The default is the current working filtering phase using your working cycle and working scenario.  If you do not have the right to set the working cycle and working scenario, then your working cycle and working scenario will be the same as the system default.  For further information on working scenario, system default scenario, working cycle, and system default cycle, please visit the Cycle and Scenario section under the Utilities module.


Group the years after the first 5 years: If you select "Yes", the financial data for the first five years will be presented in detail, while the remaining years in the cycle will be grouped together.  If you select "No", no years will be grouped, but you must specify how many years will be shown in Number of years.  You can choose between 5, 6, 7, and 10 years.


You can set the Page Number Format and the Starting Page Number in the report.  The Page Number Format allows you to enter text, symbols, or numbers to help display the page numbers on the report.  For example, if you wanted to include the word “Page” before each number you would enter this in the first format text box.  The page numbers would appear as “Page 1”, “Page 2”, etc. The Starting Page Number allows you to modify the starting page on your report.  This is used for display purposes only, and will not affect the output of the report.  The default starting page number is 1.


Once you have finished, click the View Report button to open the report in a new window.  Once the report is opened there are a number of features on the top navigation bar.  You can export the report to PDF, Excel, Word, or RTF format by selecting the Export button.  You can also navigate to another page using the page arrows, refresh the report by clicking the Refresh button, and adjust the zoom percentage of the report by selecting a different percentage in the dropdown box.


Below are the descriptions of the content contained in this report:


Beginning Balance: The total available funding at the beginning of each fiscal year.  The fund group's beginning balance is the total of each fund's beginning balance added together.


Revenue: If you selected to show Calculated data, it is the total of each fund's actual revenues added together.  If you selected to show Estimated data, it is the estimated revenue of the fund group.


Interest: If you selected to show Calculated data, it is the total of each fund's actual interests added together.  If you selected to show Estimated data, it is the estimated interest of the fund group.


Total Sources of Funds: The total funding of the fund group by fiscal year.  It equals Beginning Balance plus Revenue plus Interest.


Total Funded To Projects: The total funding allocated to projects from the funds under the fund group by fiscal year.


Funding Details are grouped into One-time Projects and Annual Projects. One-time Projects are the projects with Is Annual Project set to False, while Annual Projects are the projects with Is Annual Project set to True.


Project Name: This is the Project Name field on the Project General Information form.


CIP #: This is the Project ID field on the Project General Information form.


Total Project Cost: This is the estimated Total project cost on the project financial scoping page.


Previous Project Cost: This is the Previous project cost on the project financial scoping page.


FY NN / NN - NN / NN Funding Request: The total funding allocated to each project from the funds under the fund group during these fiscal years.


FY NN - NN: These columns list the funding allocated to each project from the funds under the fund group by fiscal year.


Notes: It is the fund group's comments.






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