Reload Historical Export Records

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You can reload historical export records on the Reload Historical Export Data page.

Data Integration_Reload Historical Export Data

You can quickly find the batches you want to reload by using the search function. After you enter the search conditions and click the Search button, the table will show the records that match your conditions. Click the Reset button to clear the search conditions. Please notice that only Completed or Partial Reloaded batches which have failed records will be displayed in the table.

A brief summary of each batch is displayed in the table. The summary includes Reload, Batch ID, Process Start, Process End, Process Name, Batch Status, Successful Records, Failed Records, Reloaded Records, and History. The History hyperlink will only be shown when the batch has been reloaded once. When you click on the link, the system will direct you to the View Reload History page. The records are sorted by Batch ID by default, but you can also sort them by clicking other underlined column headers. If there are too many records to display on one page, you can use the navigation control to view the other pages.

You can click the Reload Batch icon ReloadBatch at the first column to reload all failed records of a batch, and the system will automatically generate a new sub-batch for reloading. An Email Notification window will pop up to let you set the email notification information.

Data Integration_Email Notification

When you're done with the settings, you can click Continue button to go next step. An alert window will pop up showing the Batch ID of the new sub-batch. You can click the hyperlink of the batch ID,  and the system will redirect you to the Data Integration Export Management page and filter the target batch with the given batch ID.


If you only need to reload parts of the failed records in a completed batch, you can click the Select Records to Reload icon SelectRecodstoReload of the corresponding batch. You will be directed to the Reload Historical Export Data page.


You can specify which failed records to reload by checking the checkbox at the first column. Then click the Reload Records iconReloadRecods1 in the upper-left corner of the table, and an Email Notification window will pop up to let you set the email notification information.

Data Integration_Email Notification

When you're done with the settings, you can click Continue button to go next step. An alert window will pop up showing the Batch ID of the new sub-batch. You can click the hyperlink of the batch ID, and the system will redirect to the Data Integration Export Result Management page and filter the target batch with the given batch ID.


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