Smart Text Management

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Navigate Here: Utilities > Smart Text > Select a smart text from the table


You can view and edit the selected smart text on the Smart Text Management page.




The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Smart Text Name: This is the name assigned to the smart text.  It is generated by the system and cannot be edited.


Smart Text Content*: This is the content of the smart text.  It can be customizing.  For example, you may want to customize a field label to read Full Name instead of Name.


Default Content*: This is the default content of the smart text.  It is stored in the system database and cannot be edited.  Even though you change the smart text content above, the default content will remain unchanged.  This helps to convert back to the system default smart text at a later time.


Descriptions: Description of the smart text.


Click the Save button to save the changes to the smart text.  The system will then go to the Browse Smart Texts page.


Click the Reset button to clear the latest input of changes.


Click the Restore Default Value button to restore back to the default smart text stored in the system database.  The system will then go to the Browse Smart Texts page.


Click the Cancel button to return to the Browse Smart Texts page without saving the changes.

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