CIPAceTM HelpAdd Asset |
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Navigate Here: Assets > Asset Management > Add Asset or Assets > Asset Management >Browse Assets, click the Add icon Project > Browse Projects; select a project > Assets tab > Click the Add icon
You can add an asset on the Add Asset page.
If you access this page from Project Asset Management, the asset will be associate to that project automatically.
To add an asset, first provide the general information by filling in the following fields:
The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).
Asset ID*: The ID of the Asset and it must be unique.
Asset Name*: The name of the asset.
Parent Asset: The parent asset of the asset.
Asset Type*: The type of the asset. The available options are: Equipment, Facility, Fleet, Furniture, Hardware, Intangible, Machinery, Other, Property, Software.
Asset Category*: You may browse and select a category for the asset by clicking
Acquisition Code*: The Acquisition Code indicates how you acquired the asset. Select one of the following options:
Donated: Used for donated assets. Constructed: Used for constructed assets. Leased: Used for tie an asset to a capital or operating lease. Purchased: Used for purchased assets. Trade In: Used for trade in assets. Transferred: Transferred, either within the same business unit or from another business unit.
Acquisition Date*: The date when the asset was acquired.
Placement Date: The date that the asset is placed in service for physical purposes.
Asset Status*: The current status of the asset. The available options are:
Budgeted: Asset is budgeted but not placed in service. Work in Progress: Asset is acquired for an ongoing project. Requisitioned: Necessary paperwork has been completed for the acquisition. Commitment: Budget has been approved and the asset is being acquired. Received (not in service): Asset has been received but not yet placed in service. In Service: Indicates the date the asset is available for use. The transaction date is the default. Disposed: Asset has been disposed of. Transferred: The Asset has been transferred from one business unit to another. Suspended: Depreciation has been suspended for the asset.
Picture Path: Upload a picture for the asset. Click the Browse button to browse and select a file to upload.
Activation Date: The date when the asset was starting to depreciate.
Original Value*: The original value of the asset.
Useful Life of Asset: The number of years the asset was planned to work.
Salvage Value: The estimated value of the asset when its life cycle ends.
Depreciation Value: The depreciation value of the asset. It is automatically calculated by the formula "Depreciation Value = Original Value - Salvage Value"
Depreciation Rate: The yearly depreciation rate of the asset. It is automatically calculated by the formula "Depreciation Rate = (Original Value - Salvage Value) / (Original Value * Useful Life of Asset) * 100%"
Address: The location of this asset. It can be used for GIS.
Description: Description of the asset.
Click the Save button to save the new asset. The system will then go to the Browse Assets page.
Click the Cancel button to go to the Browse Assets page without adding the new asset. |
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