Add Dashboard Workbox Template

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Navigate Here: Utilities > Templates > Dashboard Workbox Templates > Click the Add Dashboard Workbox Template icon Add


You can add a dashboard workbox template on this page.





To add a workbox template, first provide the general information by filling in the following fields:        


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Workbox Template ID*:  The ID of the workbox template.


Workbox Template Name*: The name of the workbox template.


Workbox Type*: The type of the workbox template.


Description:The description of the workbox template.


Click the Continue button go to corresponding Workbox Management page to design the workbox.


Click the Reset button to clear the inputs.


Click the Cancel button to return to Browse Dashboard Workbox Templates page.


You can also set a workbox being currently edited as a workbox template. Please refer the Edit Workbox section for further details.


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