Add Document

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Navigate Here: Documents > Add Document or Documents > Browse Documents>click the Add icon Add or (Business Entities) > Documents tab page> click the Add icon Add


You can upload files as new documents by Add document by uploading file or copy existing documents as new documents by Add document by copying existing document on the Add Document page.


Add document by uploading file


Add Document680


To add new document(s) by uploading file, select the radio button Add document by uploading file (it is selected by default) and then fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Document Folder: Specifies where new added document(s) will be placed.  Authorized users can configure "Document Folder Structure" node in Utilities > Classifications.


- One document can only be placed under one folder.  So selecting the root folder or a parent folder does not means to select all its child folders at the same time.


- If enters this page by clicking the Add icon Add on the Documents tab pages of a business entity, the document folder panel will be hidden.  While enters this page via entrances of Documents > Add Document or Documents > Browse Documents> click the Add icon Add, the system's default folder structure will be shown instead.


Select Files*: Select files from your local PC folder to upload.


- All selected files will be shown in a list box under the button with total count, each row represents a file by its file name and size, you can remove a file by click the icon Remove icon at the last column of the row, you can also remove all selected files by clicking the Clear List button on the top right of the list box.


- You can double click the file name to enter into editing mode, and press enter to save the updates, but if the file name contains the following characters “\”, “/”, “:”, “*”, “?”, “<”, “>”, “|”, the system will show alert message and bypass the updates.


Version: The version of the document.


Key Words: Any key words to identify with the document, they can be used for searching purpose.


Description: The description of the document.


Create Linked Document for Entity Records: Manage the document association relationships with different business entity records.


- Click the Add icon AddRow to pop up the "Select Entities" window.


Select Entities



The left panel is a list of "Available Entities".  You can select one or more business entities and click the icon Leftright to move them into the right panel "Selected Entities".  You can also select entities in the right panel and click the icon Rightleft to move them back to "Available Entities", by doing so, the document associations with these business entities will be removed after you click the Save button.


Click the OK button to close the screen, subsections of the selected business entities will be displayed in the Create Linked Document for Entity Records section.


- You can collapse a subsection by clicking the icon Up or expand it by clicking the icon Down.


- You can click the icon Batch Associate Documents From on the right side of each subsection to open the corresponding lookup screen of the specific business entity to select data records which will be associated with the current document.


- You can select the associated data records by their checkboxes in each subsection and click the icon DisAssociate to disassociate them from the current document.

- You can click the iconremove on the top left corner of each subsection to disassociate all data records of the specific business entity with the current document.


Note, if you enter this page by clicking the Add icon Add on the Documents tab pages of a business entity, the specific business entity record will be shown in the Create Linked Document for Entity Records section and cannot be disassociated, and the the iconremove will be grey too.


Click the Save button to save the new document(s).  The system will go to the Browse Documents page.  If you enter this page from the Documents tab page of a business entity, the system will then return to the Documents tab page.


Click the Save & Add Another Document button to save the new document(s), and then add another one.


Click the Cancel button to abort the current operation without saving, and the system will go to the Browse Documents page.  If you enter this page from the Documents tab page of a business entity, the system will then return to the the Documents tab page.



Add document by copying existing document


Add Document By Copying


To add new document(s) by copying existing document, select the radio button Add document by copying existing document.


The operations are mostly as the same as Add document by uploading file, the only difference is the Selected Documents function:


- When click the button, the Select Document page will be opened for you to search and select the existing documents in the system.


- All selected documents will be displayed in a data grid under the button with a brief summary including Source Document ID, Source Document Name and New Document Name.


- The New Document Name will be initiated as “Copy of [Source Document Name]”, and you can change it for your own purpose, but the following characters “\”, “/”, “:”, “*”, “?”, “<”, “>”, “|” in the name is invalid.



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