Add Meeting Minutes

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Meeting Minutes > Add Meeting Minutes; Browse Meeting Minutes click the Add icon Add or

Implementation > Meetings Minutes > Browse Meeting Minutes, click Add icon Add or

Implementation > Contracts > Browse Contracts; select a contract > Meeting Minutes tab; click Add icon Addor

Projects > Browse Implementation Projects; select a project > Meeting Minutes tab; click Add icon Add


You can add a new meeting minutes on the Add Meeting Minutes page.



To add a new meeting minutes, fill in following fields:

The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).

Meeting No.*: It is automatically generated by system and must be unique.

Subject*: The subject of the meeting.

Start Time: The start date and time of the meeting.

Finish Time: The finish date and time of the meeting.

Location: The location where the meeting holds.

Status: System statuses for meeting minutes: Draft, Under Review, Approved and Rejected. When adding a new meeting minutes, the initial status is always set to Draft.

Primary Contract*: The particular contract for which the meeting minutes is created.

Primary Project: The particular project for which the meeting minutes is created.

Notes: The notes for the meeting.




The Attendees grid layout is configured underneath the main panel of the meeting minutes, where you can add or remove an attendee who is linked to a resource of labor type in system. Relevant information of each attendee includes Resource, Role, Business Phone, Mobile Phone, Email, Is Present and Notes.


Resource: The resource name of the resource the attendee is linked to.

Role: The role of the resource the attendee is linked to.

Business Phone: The business phone number of the resource the attendee is linked to.

Mobile Phone: The mobile phone of the resource the attendee is linked to.

Email: The email address of the resource the attendee is linked to.

Is Present: This field is to specify whether this attendee is present or absent for this meeting.

Notes: The notes for other information.


You can click addresource to add an attendee and the following window will pop up immediately for you to load a resource as the attendee.




You can also select an attendee and then click remove to remove it.


Click the Save button to save the new meeting minutes and the system will go to the Browse Meeting Minutes page.


Click the Save & Continue button to save the new meeting minutes and then system will go to Edit Meeting Minutes General tab.


Click the Save & Add button to save this meeting minutes and add another one.


Click the Cancel button to abort the current operation and go to Browse Meeting Minutes page or return to original entrance.


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