Add Project Status

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Project Statuses > Add Project Status or


Implementation > Project Statuses > Browse Project Statuses > click the Add icon Add or


Projects > Browse Projects > select a project > Project Statuses tab > click the Add New icon Add



You can add project status information on the Add Project Status page.


Add Project Status

The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Project*: Browse and select a project to track implementation status for by clicking Magnifier.  All implementation projects in the system are available for selection.


Implementation Status*: Select an implementation status of the project.


Schedule Status*: Select a schedule status of the project.  There are four system defined schedule statuses for selection.


Percent Completed: It is the % of Completion field on the Manage Task page of the corresponding task.  It is read only.


Status Date*: The date when the task status was tracked.


Completion Date: The date when the task will be completed.


Schedule: Specify a schedule of the implementation project.


Task: Select a task to track its status.  All tasks in the corresponding project schedule are listed for selection.


Summary: The overall summary of the project task status.


Notes: Description of the task status.


Picture File Name: Click the Browse button to browse and select a file to upload to the task.  The picture size is limited to 1MB.


Click the Save button to save the new project status and the system will then go to the Browse Project Statuses page.


Click the Cancel button to clear all inputs.

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