Add Score Structure Template

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Navigate Here: Utilities > Templates > Score Structure Templates > Click the Add Score Structure Template icon


You can add a new Score Structure Template on the Add Score Structure Template page.




To add a new score structure template, fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Template Name*: The name of the template.  Template Name must be unique.


Description: The description of the template.


Set to be the default template: Select this checkbox if you want to make the template the default score structure template.


The lower section allows you to configure the score items.  For each item, you can enter a number to indicate the score and a description for that score.  At least one score item needs to be entered, and a maximum of ten score items can be entered.


Click the Save button to save the new score structure template and the system will go to the Browse Score Structure Templates page.


Click the Save & Add button to save the new score structure template and add another one.


Click the Reset button to clear the latest inputs.

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