Add Task

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Navigate Here: Enter into Schedule Gantt Chart, click Add Task icon add on the tool bar


A new task will be added to the bottom of the task list, with an auto-generated # (Task Order No.), a Task ID and default values for Task Name, Task Mode, Start Date, Finish Date and Duration.




Navigate Here: Right click an existing task and select Add... option in the menu


Six Add operations will be displayed: Task above, Task below, Milestone, Sub-task, Successor, and Predecessor.




Task above: Add a new task above the selected task.  The Start Date, Finish Date and Duration of this new task will be the same as the selected task.

Task below: Add a new task below the selected task.  The Start Date, Finish Date and Duration of this new task will be the same as the selected task.

Milestone: Add a new milestone task below the selected task.  The Start Date, Finish Date of this new task will be the same as the Finish Date of the selected task.

Sub-task: Add a new sub-task below the selected task.   The Start Date, Finish Date and Duration of this new task will be the same as the selected task.

Successor: Add a new task below the selected task.  The new task is the successor of the selected task by Finish-To-Start relationship.

Predecessor: Add a new task above the selected task.  The new task is the predecessor of the selected task by Finish-To-Start relationship .


You must click the Save icon Save on the tool bar to save all new tasks.


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