Browse Delegated Tasks

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Delegated tasks are workflow tasks delegated from a trustor to trustee(s) derived from delegation rules. You can browse and search delegated tasks (New Tasks or To-be-Processed Tasks) from this page.



Enter the appropriate search criteria in the upper section of the page and press the search button. A summary table of the matching delegated tasks will be displayed. Delegated tasks are sorted by Delegated Time in descending order by default. The Information listed in the table includes:
Entity: the name of the data entity related to the workflow process type
Workflow Process Type: the workflow process type of the delegated task
Workflow Instance Name: the name of the workflow instance
Task: the name of the delegated task
Task Status: the status of the delegated task
Delegated From: the trustor of the delegated task. Even if the trustor of the delegation rule may change, the trustor of the delegated task remains the same.
Delegated to: the current owners of the delegated task. It may vary depending on the changes made to the delegation rule.

You can click on the “View Delegation” link of each delegated task to view the corresponding delegation rule.

You may sort the delegated tasks by clicking on the corresponding column headers. If there are too many records, you can increase the number of records per page or use on the navigation controls to view other pages.  Press the Reset button to clear search fields.

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