Copy Projected Exchange Rate Set

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Navigate Here: Utilities > Currencies > Browse Projected Exchange Rate Sets; click the Copy link of a record


You can copy an existing exchange rate set by clicking the Copy link of a record on the Browse Projected Exchange Rate Sets page. And system will go to the Copy Projected Exchange Rate Set page as shown below.




To copy an exchange rate set, provide the general information by updating or filling in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Exchange Rate Set Name*: the name of the copied exchange rate set. It must be unique. The default name is "Copy of ###", ### represents the name of the source exchange rate set.


Description: the description of the copied exchange rate set. It is optional. The default description will be that of the source exchange rate set, if any.


Is Default: whether the copied exchange rate set is the default set in the system. The value will always be "No" even if the source set is the default set of the system. If "Yes" is checked, the current exchange rate set will be set as default and the original default one will be unmarked as default.


Click the Save & Continue button to save general information of the copied exchange rate set and continue to manage projected exchange rates for the copied exchange rate set. System will then go to the Line Items tab of Edit Projected Exchange Rate Set page. The copied set will have the same line items as the source set that it is copied from, but you can add/edit/delete those line items if necessary.


Click the Save & Add button to save general information of the copied exchange rate set and continue to add a new exchange rate set.


Click the Cancel button to cancel your operation. The copied exchange rate set will not be saved, and system will then go to the Browse Projected Exchange Rate Sets page.


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