CIPAceTM HelpCreate Project by Proposal |
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Navigate Here: Proposals > Browse Proposals > Click a proposal > Click the Create Project link
You can create a project base on the corresponding information of a proposal on the Create Project by Proposal page. You can only access this page by the path above. The Project General Information page will open and the proposal fields will be copied over to the project form.
To add a project by an existing proposal, fill in the following fields. (Note: Some fields are defaulted by the corresponding fields of the original proposal.)
The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).
Project ID*: The ID of the project. Project ID is automatically generated but can be manually entered. It must be unique. You can also click
Parent Project: The parent project of the current project.
Project Name*: The name of the project and it must be unique.
Account Number: The account number of the project.
Annual Project: Select whether or not this is an annual project by selecting either yes or no.
Primary Fund Group: Choose a fund group to attach to the project.
Currency*: Select a currency of the project. It will be populated automatically with the default currency of the selected Department, if the Department has no valid default currency, it will be populated automatically with the Default Organization Currency. You can also change it manually. This field will become read-only when project contains financial data (such as financial scoping, budget or FR etc.).
Department*: The department where the project falls under.
Service Department: The service department where the project falls under.
Department Ranking Priority: Select a priority to assign to the project.
Program*: The program where the project falls under.
Subprogram: The subprogram where the project falls under. A subprogram is related to the program selected above.
Contact Person: The contact person for the project.
Phone Number: The phone number of the contact person selected above.
Project Intent: The intent of the project.
Project Type: Select a project type for the project.
District: The district where the project is located or will take place.
Page Number: This page number is a reference number used in the Project Index Report.
Upload New Project Picture: The size of picture is limited to 1MB. Click the Browse button to browse and select a file to upload to the project. The project image will be embedded into several different versions of the project description reports.
Project Location: The location of the project.
Location Description: A detailed description of the project location.
Address: The address of the project location.
Zip Code: The zip code of the project location. The zip code must be in the format of "#####" and only contain numbers. Any other format will not be accepted.
Project Description: The description of the project.
Project Justification: The justification of the project.
Proposed Project Funding Source: A description of the proposed funding source.
Operation Impact: A description of the operational impact.
Other Information: A description of any additional information required on the project.
Click the Save button to save the new project and return to the original Proposal Management page.
Click the Save & Add button to save the new project and add another one.
Click the Save & Notify button to save the new project and notify someone about adding a new project to CIPAce.
Click the Save & Go to Project Management Page button to save the project and go to the Scoping tab of the project to modify the proposal's expenditure information. If you would like to return to the previous page click the General tab at the top of the page.
Click the Reset button to clear all of the latest inputs.
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