Create Projects from Historical Plan

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Navigate Here: Projects > Browse Planning Projects > Click the Create Projects from Historical Plan icon Createprojectfromhistoricalplan


You can import data from a historical plan to a target plan on the Import Data from Historical Plan page.




The target cycle and target scenario (if the Scenario license is acquired), in which data will be imported from the historical plan, are displayed at the top of the page.


You must select one of the following four options to import data:


Import Projects for Projects: import project data to be used as project data.


Import Projects for Proposals: import project data to be used as proposal data.


Import Proposals for Proposals: import proposal data to be used as proposal data.


Import Funds for Funds: import fund data to be used as fund data.


Base on which option is selected, this page will load the corresponding filter fields and search results.


Search and Select Project Data from Historical Plan


For importing projects, you can quickly find the projects you want by using the search function.  Enter search conditions in the search fields and click the Search button.  The Scenario search field is available only if Scenario license is acquired.  Check the checkboxes before the projects.  You may also specify that the projects being displayed are those Source projects already exist in target scenario, those Source projects not exist in the target scenario, or All source projects.  Clicking the Project ID or Project Name will show the Planning Project General page of that project.


After the projects are selected, specify which data areas below to import:


Scoping: Scoping data of the projects. Select either Configuration Only to import scoping configuration without scoping data or Configuration & Data to import both scoping configuration and scoping data.


Allocation: Fund source and allocation data of the projects.


If there is any association relationships used in the source projects, like Resource, etc, the corresponding checkboxes will be displayed and you can choose whether or not to copy these relationships into the newly created projects.


If Public Comments are used in the source projects, the corresponding checkboxes will be displayed and you can duplicate all comment records into the newly created projects.


When the same project exists in the historical and the target scenario, you have two options, either Retain existing data (of the project data in the destination scenario), or Replace existing data with source data.


If you want to carry workflow instance to the target projects, check the Carry workflow instance to projects created/updated option.  


Once finished, click the Save button to import historical plan data.


Click the Reset button to clear the latest input of changes.


Search and Select Proposal Data from Historical Plan


For importing proposals, you can quickly find the proposals you want by using the search function.  Enter search conditions in the search fields and click the Search button.  Find the proposals and select the check boxes before the proposals.  You may also specify the proposals to be displayed to show those already exist in the target plan, those not exist in the target plan, or all proposals.


After proposals are selected, specify what to do with the proposal data in case a proposal exists in both the historical plan and the target plan: either Retain the data in the target plan or Replace it with the data from the historical plan.


Click the Save button to import historical plan data.


Click the Reset button to clear the latest input of changes.


Search and Select Fund Data from Historical Plan


For importing funds, you can quickly find the funds you want by using the search function.  Enter search conditions in the search fields and click the Search button.  The Scenario search field is available only if Scenario license is acquired.  Checked the check boxes before the funds.  You may also specify that the funds being displayed are those already exist in the target plan, those not exist in the target plan, or all funds.  Clicking the Fund Name will show the Fund Management page of that fund.


After funds are selected, specify which data areas below to import:


Est.Revenue: Estimated Revenue data of the funds.


After the data areas are selected, specify what to do with the project data in case a project exists in both the historical plan and the target plan: either Retain the data in the target plan or Replace it with the data from the historical plan.


Click the Save button to import historical plan data.


Click the Reset button to clear the latest input of changes.


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