Document Markup Custom Stamps

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Drawing Custom Stamps


The Custom Stamps function allows you to draw custom stamps, such as your own signatures, onto the document.


Document Markup_Custom Stamps


Select a uploaded stamp image in the Custom Stamps panel, and click on the document to draw the stamp to that location.  You can further adjust the size of the stamp.  Once you've finished drawing, click on the Save icon to save your edits.

Document Markup_Custom Stamp Image


Custom Stamps Management


You can utilize the Custom Stamps Management function to upload and manage your own custom stamps.  Click on the Custom Stamps Management icon Document Markup_Custom Stamps Management Icon  to open the Custom Stamps Management page.


Document Markup_Custom Stamps Management


On this page, you can select image files from your local driver by Select Files button, and upload them into the system as your own custom stamps by clicking Upload button.


You can hover the mouse on the Preview column to show the preview of your uploaded stamp image.


You can click the Delete icon Delete to remove an uploaded stamp image.


Click the Return button to go back to the Document Markup tool.



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