Edit Fund Revenue Template

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Navigate Here: Utilities > Templates > Fund Revenue Templates > Select a template from the table


You can modify the fund revenue template on the Fund Revenue Template Management page.




This page is very similar to the Add Fund Revenue Template page, except it already contains the selected classification and nodes information of the corresponding template.


This page consists of two sections.  The upper section displays the general information of the template. The template name must not be left blank and must be unique. The lower section includes one list box with classifications available for selection and a data grid that displays selected classifications.  The classifications can be modified by authorized users. For more information on how to edit the classification, please refer to the help text file of Classification under the Utilities module.


You may select or deselect the classification by clicking Leftright or Rightleft to move the classification between the list box and data grid. Below the data grid it lists unselected nodes aggregation and selected nodes aggregation from all selected classifications in a tree view. You can select or deselect the nodes for this template by clicking Leftright or Rightleft to move the node between the two tree views. To make this the default template click the Set to be the default template checkbox.


Click the Save button to save the changes and the system will go to the Browse Fund Revenue Templates screen.


Click the Reset button to clear the latest input.

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