Export Actual Exchange Rates

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Navigate Here: Utilities > Currencies > Browse Actual Exchange Rates; select some records and click the Export icon or

Utilities > Excel Data Management > Export Excel Data


You can export actual exchange rates in CIPAce to an Excel file. It can be done either on the Browse Actual Exchange Rates page or on the Export Excel Data page.



Export on Browse Actual Exchange Rates page




To export actual exchange rates on this page, first you need to select the rates that you want to export from the data grid, then you should click the Export icon. After that, a dialog box will pop up: choose an Excel template and click the Export button to generate the Excel file. (The generated file can be saved into your local machine.)





Export on Export Excel Data page




To export exchange rates on this page, you need to:


First, select "Currency Exchange Rate" as the Entity;


Then, select an Excel template;


Then, define the searching criteria "From Currency", "To Currency", and/or "Effective Date" if necessary;


Finally, click the Export button to generate the Excel file. (The generated file can be saved into your local machine.)


Note: The generated Excel file will contain both actual exchange rates and projected exchange rates (if any). For actual ones, the "Exchange Rate Set Name" is Actual Exchange Rate; for projected ones, their "Exchange Rate Set Name" are the names of exchange rate sets that they belong to.


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