Forecast Costs for Staff Proposal

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Navigate Here: Planning > Proposals > Add Staff Proposal > Click Save & Next


The Expenditure tab captures the cost estimate information of the proposal.  You can record the proposal expenditure information on the Expenditure tab page.




Previous Funding: Shows the cost estimate of this proposal in the previous cycle.


Future Funding Required: Shows the cost estimate of this proposal in the future cycle.


The table shows three types of costs and their amounts in each year of the current cycle.  The cost types include Project Costs, Operating Costs, and Maintenance Costs.  You can enter the amount in the table and the system will automatically calculate the total amount for each cost type in the entire cycle.


Total Proposal Cost: Automatically calculated by Previous Funding + Future Funding Required + Project Cost.  Operating Cost and Maintenance Cost are not included in the Total Proposal Cost.


Click the Save button to save the changes.


Click the Reset button to undo the latest changes.

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