Staff Proposal General Information

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Navigate Here: Planning > Proposals > Browse Proposals > Click a staff proposal


You can manage a staff proposal on the Staff Proposal General Information tab page.




You can modify the following proposal general information:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Proposal ID*: The ID of the proposal and it must be unique.


Proposal Name*: The name of the proposal.


Department*: The department which may take charge of this proposal. Options can be configured in Dropdown List Management.


Department Priority Ranking: The priority of this proposal in the selected department. Options can be configured in Dropdown List Management.


Intent: The intent of the proposal. Options can be configured in Dropdown List Management.


Department Approval: Specify whether this proposal is approved by the selected department or not.


First Name: The first name of the person submitting the proposal.


Last Name*: The last name of the person submitting the proposal.


Phone: The telephone number of the person submitting the proposal. The telephone number should be in the format of "###-###-####" and only contain numbers.  Any other format will not be accepted.


E-mail*: The email address of the person submitting the proposal. The email address should be a similar format to "".  Any other format and it will not be accepted.


Staff Proposal Type: The type of the proposal. Options can be configured in Dropdown List Management.


Authorization Status*: The authorization status of the proposal, with options Draft, Under Review, Approved, Rejected.


Proposal Status*: The status of the proposal.


Project Description*: The description of the proposal.


Project Location*: The location of the proposal.


Project Justification: The justifications of the proposal.


Proposed Funding: The proposed funding for this proposal.


Click the Save button to save the changes and the system will go to the Browse Proposals page.


Click the Delete button to delete the staff proposal.  The system will go to the Browse Proposals page.


Click the Reset button to clear the latest input of changes.


Click the Print button to print proposal in dynamic document.


Click the View Map button to launch GIS to show the proposal locations.


Click the Notify button to inform someone about updating a public proposal to the CIPAce application.  The system will then go to the Send Notification page.



Selected Links


Click the Create Project link to open the Create Project by Proposal page and create a project which will be linked to this proposal.  This method should be used if the proposal is unique and does not fit under another project that has already been created in the system.  This proposal requires a new project to be created.


Click the Link to Project link to open the Search Projects to Link with Current Proposal page and search projects which will be linked to this proposal.  This method should be used if the proposal will fit under another project that has already been created in the system.


Click the Related Projects link to browse and view the projects which are linked to this proposal. This link will only show on the page if the proposal has been linked with one or more projects.  If the proposal has been linked with only one project the system will go to the Project General Information page and display the details of the related project.  Otherwise, the system will go to the Browse Linked Projects to Proposal page and display all the projects linked to the related proposal.


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