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Intent is a property of projects.  The intents listed on the Browse Intents page use as the options in the Project Intents dropdown list throughout the application.


Note: There are numbers of items in the dropdown lists that need to be populated in CIPAce.  Listed below are similar to the Intent processes described.  We will skip the details and proceed to the remaining processes.  Their processes are summarized below:  


Project Type – used as the options in the Project Type dropdown list.


Department Ranking Priorities – used as the options in the Department Ranking Priorities dropdown list.  Department Ranking Priority is a property of projects.


Departments – used as the options in the Department dropdown list.  Department is a property of projects, users, etc.  You can manage the role/user access authorization for this department by clicking the Set Authorization button.


Service Departments – used as the options in the Service Department dropdown list.


Subprograms – used as the options in the Subprogram dropdown list.  Subprogram is a property of projects and must belong to one program.


Districts – used as the options in the District dropdown list.  District is a property of projects.


Vendor Types – used as the options in the Vendor Type dropdown list.  Vendor Type is a property of vendors.  If the vendor type is associated with the existing vendors, it cannot be deleted.


Implementation Statuses – used as the options in the Project Status dropdown list.  Project Schedule Status is a property of projects.


Risk Types – used as the options in the Risk Type dropdown list.  Risk Type is a property of risks.


Issues Types – used as the options in the Issue Type dropdown list.  Issue Type is a property of issues.


Project Progress Statuses – The property of projects used for selection on a project schedule. Open and On Hold statuses, user cannot delete these two system status but may add or delete custom statuses.


Summary of Content


Below is a list of the content that can be found in this chapter:


Browse Intents

Add an Intent

Manage an Intent

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