Browse Proposals

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You can browse all proposals and find a specific proposal on the Browse Proposals page.


Browse Proposals


A brief summary of each proposal displays in the table.  The summary includes Cycle, Scenario, Proposal ID, Proposal Name, Created By, Updated Date, and Proposal Status.  You may sort the proposals by clicking the linked column headers.  If there are too many records to display on one page, you can use the navigation control to view other pages.


You can quickly find the proposals you want by using the search function.  Enter search conditions in the search fields and click the Search button.  The proposals will be filtered and the table will show the records that match the search conditions.  Click the Reset button to clear the search conditions.


Below is a list of the different proposal statuses found on the Browse Proposals page:


New Proposal: the proposal is submitted but has not yet been processed.

Project Created: at least one project has been created based on this proposal.

Project Linked: the proposal was linked to at least one project.

Proposal Redirected: the proposal was not related to CIPAce and was redirected to another department to handle.

Proposal Rejected: the proposal was rejected as an invalid capital project candidate by an administrator or authorized gate keeper.

Proposal Created & Linked: at least one project was created out of the proposal and the proposal was linked to at least one other existing project.


Click the Proposal ID or the Edit icon Edit of one of the proposals and the system will then open the Proposal Management page of the selected item.  You will notice that the system will open either the Public Proposal Management page or the Staff Proposal Management page base on the type of proposal selected.


Click the Delete icon Delete of a proposal to delete that proposal.


You can export all found records to an Excel file as a data source by clicking the Export Data Source icon export and the Export Data dialog will pop up. In the Export Data dialog, you can select a data source and export the project data by clicking the Export button.


Click the Add Public Proposal icon AddPublicProposal and it will open the Add Public Proposal page.


Click the Add Staff Proposal icon AddStaffProposal and it will open the Add Staff Proposal page.


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