Add Public Proposal

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Navigate Here: Planning > Proposals > Add Public Proposal


The public proposal is for recording the capital project proposals which are submitted by citizens. You can add a new public proposal on the Add Public Proposal page.




To add a public proposal, first provide the general information by filling in the following fields:        


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


First Name*: The first name of the person submitting the proposal. This field will be auto-populated for the current logged in user who is adding a proposal.


Last Name*: The last name of the person submitting the proposal. This field will be auto-populated for the current logged in user who is adding a proposal.


Address: The detailed address of the person submitting the proposal.


City*: The city of the person submitting the proposal.


State*: The state of the person submitting the proposal.


ZIP Code: The zip code of the person submitting the proposal. The zip code must be in the format of ##### or #####-#### and only contain numbers. Any other format will not be accepted.


Phone: The telephone number of the person submitting the proposal. The telephone number should be in the format of "###-###-####" and only contain numbers. Any other format will not be accepted.


E-mail*: The email address of the person submitting the proposal. This field will be auto-populated for the current logged in user who is adding a proposal. The format of the email address should similar to "". Any other format will not be accepted.


Do you work or operate a business locally?: Specify whether you are working at or operating a business locally.


Proposal Name*: The name of the proposal and it must be unique.


Department: The department where the proposal falls under. Options can be configured in Dropdown List Management.


Proposal Status*: The status of the proposal.


Proposal Description*: The description of the proposal.


Proposal Location: The locations of the proposal.


Proposal Justification: The justification of the proposal.


Note:  If the date on which you add this proposal is not in system designated proposal period, you'll be notified by a system alert and you will be directed back to your homepage.


Click the Save button to add the new proposal.  The system will automatically generate a proposal reference ID number which will have a prefix of "PP" followed by a sequence number. A prefix of "Pb_" will also be placed in front of the proposal name. After you click the Save button the system will then go to the Browse Proposals page.


Click the Save & Add button to save the new proposal and add another one.


Click the Save & Next button to save the new proposal and go to Documents tab of the Public Proposal Management page.


Click the Reset button to clear the latest input of changes.


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