Forecast Fund Revenue Online

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Navigate Here: Funding > Funds > Browse Funds > Select a fund from the table > Click the Revenue Forecast Online link


Forecast Online is one of the two methods to perform a detailed revenue estimate for a fund. The other method is Forecast in Excel. The detailed revenue data will replace the data from the summarized forecast.




Before forecast online, you need to configure a Fund Revenue Template first.


The classifications assigned in the fund revenue template will display as column headers in the table. For each row, select a node from each of the classifications, and enter the revenue for each year. A row represents a break-down revenue item.  Click AddRow to insert a row; click DeleteRow to delete a row. The total will be automatically calculated and displayed in the Revenues row of the table under the Fund General Management page.


Click the Save button to save the forecast information and the system will return to the Fund General Management page.


Click the Clear All button to clear all data entered in the table.


Click the Config button to select another fund revenue template and the system will go to the Fund Revenue Configuration page.


Click the Back button to return to the Fund General Management page.

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