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The CIPAce Software manages the funding of the capital program by managing fund groups and individual funds. Fund Group Management allows a two-layer management of funding sources and allocation under a hierarchical structure.  Funds or funding sources with similarities can be group into a fund group.  At the early stage of planning, revenue estimates and funding allocations can be conduct at the fund group level.  As time goes by and more details become available, funding estimates and fund allocation will be conduct at the individual fund or funding source level, which generates all the details required to produce a Capital Improvement Plan.


Fund Management allows the forecast of capital funding across the entire planning horizon for each fund source.  It allows the allocation of funding to projects by fund.  The module integrates tightly with the financial numbers contained in the Project Management module and Budget module.  It dynamically displays balance information of each fund, reflecting changes on beginning balance, interest, revenue and allocated amount on a real time basis. Funding forecasts for all the existing and historical planning cycles and actual funding revenue for all the funding sources are tracked in one single place.


Must create a Fund group first before create individual Funds.  This is because need to assign a fund to a Fund Group during its creation process.  In addition, during the creation of a Fund Group, must create a Fund to assign to the group.  One cannot exist without the other.


This module also links funding sources to projects and provides powerful tools to allow users to allocate funding by fund group, fund or project.  One project can get funding from multiple funds and one fund can fund multiple projects.  You can allocate funding by fund group, fund or project, which establishes a direct linkage between the available funding and the proposed project.  CIPAce Software updates and synchronizes all numbers on a real time basis as made changes to fund revenue, allocated amount, project cost, fund beginning balance, and fund revenue estimates.


Summary of Content


Below is a list of the content that can be found in this chapter:


Fund Group Management

Fund Management

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