Manage Project Conflicts

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On this page, you can browse all the Conflicts related to his Project Locations. These Conflicts are associated herein automatically along with the association of Locations. You can NOT associate/remove any Conflicts in this tab. The association/removal of these Conflicts is done by the system based on the Entity Locations of this project.


Conflict information includes:


Conflict ID: The Conflict record’s ID. Clicking this hyperlink will be directed to its Conflict Management screen.

Conflict Name: The name of this Conflict record.

Conflict Type: The Type of this Conflict, usually it is either Location overlapped or time overlapped.

Status: The status of this Conflict.

Entity ID – Name (2 sets): The first (and second) entity’s ID and name.

Location ID (2 sets): The first (and second) Location’s ID.

Location Name (2 sets): The first (and second) Location’s name.

Location Distance: The distance between the two Entity Locations in conflict.

Edit Edit: An access for the user to conveniently edit the conflict.

View in GIS GIS: View this Conflict in GIS.




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