How to Define Expression

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With expression, the system allows you to define the target data criteria.




Criteria Clause

You may set a criteria clause to describe the condition which the target data needs to satisfy.



Expression can be composed of a single criteria clause or multiple criteria clauses.











Group And: You may click the Group And link button to group criteria clauses and represent “Add” relationship among the criteria clauses.

Group Or: You may click the Group Or link button to group criteria clauses and represent “Or” relationship among the criteria clauses.

Clear: You may click the Clear link button to reset the expression.


Clause Option Menu Button




You may click the clause option menu button and click the Select item to select the criteria clause. The selected criteria clauses and criteria clause groups could be grouped together.

You may click the clause option menu button and click the Unselect item to cancel the selection of the criteria clause.

You may click the clause option menu button and click the Delete item to delete the criteria clause.


Option Menu Button




You may click the option menu button and click the Select item to select the criteria clause group. The selected criteria clause groups and criteria clauses could be grouped together.

You may click the clause option menu button and click the Unselect item to cancel the selection of the criteria clause group.

You may click the option menu button and click the Change to And/Change to Or item to change the relationship among the criteria clauses.

You may click the option menu button and click the Add Clause item to add new criteria clause to the group.

You may click the option menu button and click the Delete item to delete the criteria clause group.

You may click the option menu button and click the Ungroup item to ungroup the criteria clause group.


Main Successful Scenario


Set criteria clause(s)




When you click the Select link, the system will show a dropdown list. You can select criteria for target data.





According to the first option, the system will show the related lists or text box.  After defining a criteria clause, you can begin to define the next criteria clause by clicking the Select link if necessary.




If you see a Dynamic button appears to the right of a text box, it means the system allows you to enter dynamic parameter. To enter dynamic parameter, click the Dynamic button and select parameter from the dropdown list.  After you click the Dynamic button, the button will be hidden and the Static button will be displayed. You can switch to static parameter entering mode by clicking the Static button.


Group criteria clauses


You can select two or more criteria clauses and click the Group And link button or the Group Or link button to group them together as a criteria clause group. Criteria clause group also could be selected to group with other criteria clause or criteria clause group.



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