Manage Invoice Line Items

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Navigate Here: Financials > Invoices > Browse Invoices; select an invoice > Line Items tab


You can view and edit Invoice Line Items on this page, or Adjust Invoice Line Item in review process.


Invoice Line Item Sections


Invoices in types of Unit Price, T&M, GMP, Job Costing Master and Job Order have only one line item section, while the following invoice types have multiple line item sections with different structures.


Professional Service


Direct Labor Cost

Reimbursable Cost

Subcontract Cost




Prime Labor

Prime Expense

Sub Labor

Sub Expense


Invoice Line Items


You can manage invoice line items in below two modes by configuration.


Full Screen Mode

Popup Edit Mode



Adjust Invoice Line Item


When the invoice status is Under Review, you may adjust the invoice line item amount if applicable.




To adjust an invoice line item, click the Adjust link in the Adjust column of the invoice line item and the Invoice Line Item Adjustment window will pop up. The original and previous adjustment information of the invoice line item is displayed in the upper section of the page, while the latest information of the invoice line item are displayed below for you to adjust.




Update Unit Price or Quantity of the invoice line item, enter Notes for the adjustment, and then click the Save button. The popup window will be closed and the adjustment information will be saved. The User Name of the user who made the adjustment and the Date when the adjustment was made will also be recorded as previous adjustment information.


When the invoice status is Approved, you can click the View link in the Adjust column of the invoice line item to view the adjustment details.




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