My Notification Outbox

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Navigate Here: Workspace > Notification Outbox


You can browse all the notifications sent to your Outbox on the Notification Outbox page.




A brief summary of each notification displays in the table.  The summary includes Importance, Attachment, To, Subject, and Sent Date.  You can sort the records by clicking the column headers To, Subject, and Sent Date.


Notifications of high importance will be marked with a Importance, while notifications with attachment(s) will be marked with a Attachment.


You can view a notification by clicking the icon view in the View column and the system will go to the My Notification Detail page for the selected item.


You can delete a notification from your Outbox by clicking the icon Delete at the end of the row, or delete multiple notifications by selecting their checkboxes and then click the Batch Delete icon BatchDelete on top of the grid.


Note: The deleted notification(s) will only be removed from your Outbox, they will still appear under other email related pages, if applicable.



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