Project Overall Task Status

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The project overall task statuses listed here are used as the options in the Project Overall Status dropdown list when adding or updating a project task status.


Note: The remaining statuses under Project Task Status Options listed below function exactly the same as Project Overall Task Status page above.  We will skip these pages with similar functionality and they are summarized below:  


Scope/Deliverables – use as the option in the Scope Deliverable dropdown list on the Project Task Status page.


Schedule – use as the option in the Schedule dropdown list on the Project Task Status page.


Cost – use as the option in the Cost Status dropdown list on the Project Task Status page.


Project Risk – use as the option in the Risk Condition dropdown list on the Project Task Status page.


Summary of Content


Below is a list of the content that can be found in this chapter:


Browse Project Overall Task Statuses

Add Project Overall Task Status

Project Overall Task Status Management

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