Rank Result Management

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Navigate Here: Planning > Ranking > Browse Ranking Phases > Click a ranking phase > Result tab


The administrator can view, adjust and approve the ranking results for a specific ranking phase on the Rank Result Management tab page.




A brief summary of each ranked project is displayed in the table.  The summary includes Rank, Project ID, Project Name, Actual Score, and Average Calculated Score.  By default, the projects are sorted by Rank. But you may resort the records by clicking a linked column header.


Rank: The priority of a project after ranking in 1, 2, 3, etc.  1 means the most important, 2 means second most important, and so on.


Actual Score: This is the final ranking score of a project. It is equal to the Average Calculated Score by default. But the administrator can manually adjust this score.Click the Save Rank Results button to save the adjustment.


Average Calculated Score: The ranking score of a project after ranking, automatically calculated by the system.


You can view the ranking details of a project by clicking the View link at the end of the row.  The system will then open the View Ranking Detail page for the selected project in a new window.


You can approve the ranking results by clicking the Approve button. Actual Score cannot be edited upon approval.  Status of the current ranking phase will then be changed to Closed and modifications can no longer be made.  After the ranking results are approved, the system will display the UnApprove button on this page.  The administrator can click this button to unapprove the results in order to make modifications.


Click the Reset button to clear the latest input.

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