View Project Ranking Detail

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Navigate Here: Planning > Ranking > Browse Ranking Phases; select a ranking phase > Result tab > Click the View link


An administrator can view the ranking results in detail on the View Ranking Detail page.




Project ID, Project Name, and Average Calculated Score are displayed at the top of the page, while the ranking details are displayed in the lower table.


The page differs according to different ranking standards applied to the ranking phase.


Score-based Ranking


A brief summary of each project's ranking result is displayed in the table.  The summary includes: Evaluator, Weight, Score, Status and Justification.


Average Calculated Score = SUM {Evaluator’s Score * [Evaluator’s Weight /Sum (Evaluator’s Weight)]}


Forced Matrix Ranking


A brief summary of each project's ranking result is displayed in the table.  The summary includes: Evaluator, Weight, Score and Status.


Average Calculated Score = SUM {Evaluator’s Score * [Evaluator’s Weight /Sum (Evaluator’s Weight)]}


Criteria-based Ranking and Advanced Criteria-based Ranking


A brief summary of each project's ranking result is displayed in the table.  The summary includes: Criteria Name with Criteria's Weight, Criteria Score, Evaluator, Weight, Score, and Justification.


Criteria Score = SUM {Evaluator’s Score * [Evaluator’s Weight /Sum (Evaluator’s Weight)]}

Average Calculated Score = SUM (Criteria Score * Criteria’s Weight


When you have finished reviewing the results you can close the browser to return to the Rank Result Management page.

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