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This feature allows representatives from multiple relevant interest groups to provide input on project priorities.  Staff and relevant parties involved in the process will use data entry forms to enter their priority judgment, which will be quantified and summarized as an aggregate ranking result.  If necessary, the ranking result may be modified by only the Administrator to fit changing conditions.  The Administrator will be able to specify the person(s) who will participate in the ranking process for certain project groups.  The Administrator may set up multiple ranking rounds as required.  This feature allows Management and responsible staff to document and justify project priority and funding decisions.


CIPAce offers three different ranking standards: Project-level Score-based Ranking, Project-level Forced Matrix Ranking, and Criteria-based Ranking.  In Score-based Ranking, each evaluator assigns scores for each project being ranked. Matrix Ranking compares a selected project with all the other projects being ranked on importance level. Criteria-based Ranking uses specific criteria which are used to rank each project.


Score-based Ranking and Criteria-based Ranking both require a template to be setup before ranking can take place.  Also, for Criteria-based Ranking, the system administrator needs to add the criteria values in the Utilities section of CIPAce.   Any criteria added In the Utilities section can then be selected when creating the template.


Summary of Content


Below is a list of the content that can be found in this chapter:


Ranking Configuration

Ranking Assignment

Ranking Process

View Ranking Result

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