Retainage and Release History Report

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You can generate Retainage & Release History Report on the Retainage & Release History Report page.




Vendor: Browse and select a vendor to view the report by clicking Magnifier.


Contract: Browse and select a contract to view the report by clicking Magnifier.


Purchase Order: Browse and select a PO to view the report by clicking Magnifier.


Invoice No.: Browse and select an invoice to view the report by clicking Magnifier.


Release Date From/To: Specify a period during which retainage releases are done, and system will then list the retainage release record(s) within this period only in the report.


Note: When you select a vendor, the contract/PO/invoice lookup windows will be refreshed to show the record(s) associated with the selected vendor only.


You can set the Page Number Format and the Starting Page Number in the report.


- The Page Number Format allows you to enter text, symbols, or numbers to help display the page numbers on the report. For example, if you wanted to include the word “Page” before each number you would enter this in the first format text box. The page numbers would appear as “Page 1”, “Page 2”, etc.


- The Starting Page Number allows you to modify the starting page on your report. This is used for display purposes only, and will not affect the output of the report. The default starting page number is 1.


You can specify the Report Format in a dropdown list including PDF, Excel, Word and etc. The default option is PDF.


Once you've finished, click the View Report button to generate and download the report in a new window.


Report Layout


Retainage and release histories are listed by invoice and then grouped by contract/PO and vendor.




In the table, each row is a retainage record and its release record if applicable.


Vendor Name: Vendor Name of the specified vendor.


Contract / Purchase Order: Contract No. or PO No. of the contract/PO associated with the specified vendor.


Invoice No.: Invoice No. of the invoice associated with the specified contract/PO.


Retainage Amount: The invoice retainage amount generated when the specified invoice has been paid.


Note: If there are multiple release history records for a retainage record, the system will show each release record in one line with below information.


Release Amount: The Release Amount of the release record.


UTD Retainage Balance: UTD Retainage Balance by each release record. For the first release record, it equals [Retainage Amount – Release Amount of this record]; After that, it equals [Last UTD Retainage Balance – Release Amount of this record].


Release Date: The Release Date of the release record.


Invoice Total, Contract / Purchase Order Total, Vendor Total: The sum of Retainage Amount, Release Amount, and UTD Retainage Balance grouped by Invoice, Contract/PO, and Vendor.


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