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Navigate Here: Reports > Tracking Reports > Professional Services Invoice Report (Contract-Invoice) or Reports > Tracking Reports > Professional Service Invoice Report (PO-Invoice)
You can generate invoice report for Professional Service type invoices on the Professional Services Invoice Report page.
You can configure the below settings before viewing the report. These settings will affect the content and layout of the report.
If you enter into the screen by menu "Invoice - Contractor Pay Application Form (Contract-Invoice)" :
Invoice No.: Browse and select an Invoice by clicking
Vendor: Browse and select a vendor by clicking
Contract: Browse and select a contract by clicking
Invoice Date From/To: Specify a period to view invoices that were issued in that period.
If you enter into the screen by menu "Invoice - Contractor Pay Application Form (PO-Invoice)" :
Invoice No.: Browse and select an Invoice by clicking
Vendor: Same as above.
Purchase Order: Browse and select a PO by clicking
Invoice Date From/To: Same as above.
Note: When you select Vendor/Contract/PO/Invoice Date From & To, the invoice lookup window will be refreshed by such condition(s), i.e. only invoice associated with the selected vendor will be shown.
You can set the Page Number Format and the Starting Page Number in the report.
- The Page Number Format allows you to enter text, symbols, or numbers to help display the page numbers on the report. For example, if you wanted to include the word “Page” before each number you would enter this in the first format text box. The page numbers would appear as “Page 1”, “Page 2”, etc.
- The Starting Page Number allows you to modify the starting page on your report. This is used for display purposes only, and will not affect the output of the report. The default starting page number is 1.
You can specify the Report Format in a dropdown list including PDF, Excel, Word and etc. The default option is PDF.
Once you've finished, click the View Report button to generate and download the report in a new window.
Report Layout
The report is composed of four parts: Invoice Summary, Invoice Master, Invoice Summary by Project, and Contract/PO Summary Chart.
Below are the descriptions of the content contained in the report:
1. Invoice Summary
Report Header
Firm: The Vendor Name of the current invoice on the Manage Vendor General page of the specified vendor.
Address: The Street, City, State, and Zip Code fields of the specified vendor.
Telephone: The Phone field of the specified vendor.
To: The Customer Name and Billing Address on the Configure Customer Profile tab page of the Configure Application Settings screen.
Contract #: For the invoice under financial structure Contract-Invoice only, display Contract No. of the contract associated with the current invoice.
PO #: For the invoice under financial structure PO-Invoice only, display Purchase Order No. of the PO associated with the current invoice.
Consultant Invoice No.: The Invoice No. of the current invoice.
Date: The Invoice Date of the current invoice.
Billing Period: The Billing Period From/To dates of the current invoice.
Invoice Summary Table
The rows of the table list different types of costs that constitute a professional service invoice, while the columns of the table list the criteria for summarizing the costs.
❖Current Invoice: The total completed amount of the cost in the current invoice. ❖Previously Paid: The total completed amount of the cost in the previously Paid invoice(s) which are associated with the same contract/PO as the current invoice and their Billing Period From dates are earlier than the current Billing Period From date. ❖Total Invoiced: [Current Invoice + Previously Paid].
The following amount fields are summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced except Authorized Amount.
Total Direct Labor: The total amount of Direct Labor Cost line item(s).
Overhead: The total Overhead amount of Direct Labor Cost line item(s).
Subtotal Labor + Overhead: [Total Direct Labor + Overhead].
Fixed Payment: The total Profit amount of Direct Labor Cost line item(s).
Total Fee Earned: The total Fee Earned = [Total Direct Labor + Overhead + Profit].
Total Direct Costs: The total amount of Reimbursable Cost line item(s).
SubContract Cost: The total amount of Subcontract Cost line item(s).
SubTotal-Before Retention: [Total Fee Earned + Total Direct Costs + SubContract Cost].
LESS: Consultant Retention: The total retainage amount of Direct Labor Cost and Reimbursable Cost line item(s).
LESS: SubConsultant Retention: The total retainage amount in SubContract Cost line item(s).
Total Amount Due: [Subtotal-Before Retention - Consultant Retention - SubConsultant Retention].
Authorized Amount: The latest amount of the contract/PO associated with the current invoice.
% Complete: [(SubTotal-Before Retention Total Invoiced / Authorized Amount) * 100%].
2. Invoice Master
Report Header
The report header is the same as that of Part One.
Report Content
This part lists the detailed information of each type of cost that constitutes a professional service invoice and tracks their completion by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced as defined in Part One.
I.Direct Labor: Direct Labor Cost of the professional service invoice. Each row lists a resource who completed part of SOV Item(s) of the contract/PO associated with the current invoice, summarized by Project. The number of resources listed is counted among all previously Paid invoices for the same contract/PO and the current invoice as well.
Person Name: The Resource field in the Direct Labor Cost line item. Position/Description: The Role field on the Resource General Management page of the specified resource. If a resource has multiple roles, the first role should be selected. Project: The project for which the specified resource has completed work, i.e. the Project ID field in the Direct Labor Cost line item / split line item. Hours: The total hours the specified resource has spent on the specified project in the current invoice, i.e. the Quantity field in the Direct Labor Cost line item. Rate: The Rate of the specified resource, i.e. the Unit Price field in the Direct Labor Cost line item. Amount: The completed amount by the specified resource for the specified project in the current invoice, i.e. the sum of amount (= Hours * Rate) in the Direct Labor Cost line item(s) for the specified project or the sum of split amount (= Hours * Rate * Split % for the project) in the Direct Labor Cost split line item(s) for the specified project.
%: The percentage the specified resource has spent on the specified project in the current invoice. It equals [Total Amount for the specified project / Total Amount for all projects]. Total Current Invoice: The total completed amount by the specified resource in the current invoice. Previously Paid: The total completed amount by the specified resource in the previously Paid invoices for the same contract/PO. Total Invoiced: [Total Current Invoice + Previously Paid].
Total Direct Labor: The total Direct Labor Cost summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
Overhead: The total Overhead summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
SubTotal Labor + Overhead: [Total Direct Labor + Overhead], summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
Fixed Payment: The total Profit summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
Total Fee Earned: The total Fee Earned summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
II.Direct Costs: Reimbursable Cost of the professional service invoice. Each row lists a type of reimbursable cost for the contract/PO associated with the current invoice, summarized by Project. The number of cost types listed is counted among all previously Paid invoices for the same contract/PO and the current invoice as well.
Cost Type: The Cost Type field in the Reimbursable Cost line item. Project: The Project ID field in the Reimbursable Cost line item / split line item. Amount: The cost amount of the specified cost type for the specified project in the current invoice, i.e. the sum of amount in the Reimbursable Cost line item(s) for the specified project or the sum of split amount in the Reimbursable Cost split line item(s) for the specified project.
Total Current Invoice: The total completed amount of the specified cost type in the current invoice. Previously Paid: The total completed amount of the specified cost type in the previous Paid invoices for the same contract/PO. Total Invoiced: [Total Current Invoice + Previously Paid].
Total Direct Costs: The total Reimbursable Cost summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
III.SubContract Cost: Subcontract Cost of the professional service invoice. Each row lists a subcontractor worked for the contract/PO associated with the current invoice, summarized by Project. The number of subcontractors listed is counted among all previously Paid invoices for the same contract/PO and the current invoice as well.
Subs Name: The (Sub-)Contractor field in the Subcontract Cost line item. Project: The Project ID field in the Subcontract Cost line item / split line item. Amount: The completed amount of the specified subcontractor for the specified project in the current invoice, i.e. the sum of amount in the Subcontract Cost line item(s) for the specified project or the sum of split amount in the Subcontract Cost split line item(s) for the specified project.
Total Current Invoice: The total completed amount by the specified subcontractor in the current invoice. Previously Paid: The total completed amount by the specified subcontractor in the previous Paid invoices for the same contract/PO. Total Invoiced: [Total Current Invoice + Previously Paid].
Total SubContract Costs: The total Subcontract Cost summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
SubTotal-Before Retention: [Total Fee Earned + Total Direct Costs + Total SubContract Cost], summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
LESS: Consultant Retention: The total retainage amount of Direct Labor Cost and Reimbursable Cost line item(s), summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
LESS: SubConsultant Retention: The total retainage amount in SubContract Cost line item(s), summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
Total Amount Due: [SubTotal-Before Retention - Consultant Retention - SubConsultant Retention], summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
3. Invoice Summary by Project
Report Header
The report header is almost the same as that of Part One except the title is the composition of "Professional Services for" + Project Name + (Project ID).
Report Content
This page lists the detailed information of each type of cost by Project in the current invoice. Each project associated with the invoice will have one page.
I.Direct Labor: Direct Labor Cost of the professional service invoice. Each row lists a resource who completed part of SOV Item(s) for the specified project in the contract/PO associated with the current invoice. The number of resources listed is counted among all previously Paid invoices for the same contract/PO and the current invoice as well.
Person Name: The Resource field in the Direct Labor Cost line item. Position/Description: The Role field on the Resource General Management page of the specified resource. If a resource has multiple roles, the first role should be selected. Hours: The total hours the specified resource has spent on the specified project in the current invoice, i.e. the Quantity field in the Direct Labor Cost line item. Rate: The Rate of the specified resource, i.e. the Unit Price field in the Direct Labor Cost line item. Current Invoice: The completed amount by the specified resource for the specified project in the current invoice, i.e. the sum of amount (= Hours * Rate) in the Direct Labor Cost line item(s) for the specified project or the sum of split amount (= Hours * Rate * Split % for the project) in the Direct Labor Cost split line item(s) for the specified project.
Previously Paid: The total completed amount by the specified resource in the previously Paid invoices for the same contract/PO. Total Invoiced: [Total Current Invoice + Previously Paid].
Total Direct Labor: The total Direct Labor Cost summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
Overhead: The total Overhead summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
SubTotal Labor + Overhead: [Total Direct Labor + Overhead], summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
Fixed Payment: The total Profit summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
Total Fee Earned: The total Fee Earned summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
II.Direct Costs: Reimbursable Cost of the professional service invoice. Each row lists a type of reimbursable cost for the specified project in the contract/PO associated with the current invoice. The number of cost types listed is counted among all previously Paid invoices for the same contract/PO and the current invoice as well.
Cost Type: The Cost Type field in the Reimbursable Cost line item. Current Invoice: The cost amount of the specified cost type for the specified project in the current invoice, i.e. the sum of amount in the Reimbursable Cost line item(s) for the specified project or the sum of split amount in the Reimbursable Cost split line item(s) for the specified project.
Previously Paid: The total completed amount of the specified cost type in the previous Paid invoices for the same contract/PO. Total Invoiced: [Total Current Invoice + Previously Paid].
Total Direct Costs: The total Reimbursable Cost summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
IV.SubContract Cost: Subcontract Cost of the professional service invoice. Each row lists a subcontractor worked for the specified project in the contract/PO associated with the current invoice. The number of subcontractors listed is counted among all previously Paid invoices for the same contract/PO and the current invoice as well.
Subs Name: The (Sub-)Contractor field in the Subcontract Cost line item. Current Invoice: The completed amount of the specified subcontractor for the specified project in the current invoice, i.e. the sum of amount in the Subcontract Cost line item(s) for the specified project or the sum of split amount in the Subcontract Cost split line item(s) for the specified project.
Previously Paid: The total completed amount by the specified subcontractor in the previous Paid invoices for the same contract/PO. Total Invoiced: [Total Current Invoice + Previously Paid].
Total SubContract Costs: The total Subcontract Cost summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
SubTotal-Before Retention: [Total Fee Earned + Total Direct Costs + Total SubContract Cost], summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
LESS: Consultant Retention: The total retainage amount of Direct Labor Cost and Reimbursable Cost line item(s), summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
LESS: SubConsultant Retention: The total retainage amount in SubContract Cost line item(s), summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
Total Amount Due: [SubTotal-Before Retention - Consultant Retention - SubConsultant Retention], summarized by Current Invoice, Previously Paid, and Total Invoiced.
Authorized Amount: The latest amount for the specified project in the contract/PO associated with the current invoice.
% Complete: [(SubTotal-Before Retention Total Invoiced / Authorized Amount) * 100%].
4. Contract/PO Summary Chart
Report Header
The report header will be changed under different financial structures: For Contract-Invoice, it will be "Contract Summary Chart"; And for PO-Invoice, it will be "PO Summary Chart".
(Consultant Name): The Vendor Name of the current invoice on the Manage Vendor General page of the specified vendor.
Invoice #: The Invoice No. of the current invoice.
Contract #: For the invoice under financial structure Contract-Invoice only, display Contract No. of the contract associated with the current invoice.
PO #: For the invoice under financial structure PO-Invoice only, display Purchase Order No. of the PO associated with the current invoice.
Project Summary Table
This table tracks the completion percentage for the specified projects in the contract/PO associated with the current invoice.
Project ID: The Project ID of the project in line item / split line item of the contract/PO associated with the current invoice.
Project Name: The Project Name of the project in line item / split line item of the contract/PO associated with the current invoice.
Previously Paid: The total completed amount for the specified project in the previously Paid invoice(s) which are associated with the same contract/PO as the current invoice and their Billing Period From dates are earlier than the current Billing Period From date.
Current Invoice: The total completed amount for the specified project in the current invoice.
Total Invoiced: [Current Invoice + Previously Paid].
Authorized Amount: The latest amount for the specified project in the contract/PO associated with the current invoice.
% Complete: (Total Invoiced / Authorized Amount Per Project) * 100%.
Grand Totals: The total Previously Paid, Current Invoice, Total Invoiced, and Authorized Amount for all projects.
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