RFP Line item Grid

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Change Order Management > Browse Requests for Proposal; select a RFP > Financial Impact tab.


You can manage RFP Line Items on Edit Request for Proposal page - Financial Impact tab.



RFP line items can be edited when RFP status is Draft, Under Review or Rejected.


You can add new RFP line items by any of following ways:


1. Enter a number in "Lines" textbox and then click the Add icon AddRowin front of it. The specified number of blank line items will be appended to the bottom of the list for you to edit.


2. Click AddRowat the beginning of a line item. A blank line item will be inserted below for you to edit.


3. Click the Duplicate icon duplicateat the beginning of a line item. A new line item will be copied from this line item and inserted below for you to edit.


4. Load source line items by clicking the Load From buttons.


Click the Load From SOV Template button: A popup window will be displayed, where you can select SOV template items in a search view. Click OK button, the popup window will be closed and the selected SOV template items will be inserted as new RFP line items with default values of SOV Item, Unit and Unit Price (if these fields exist in RFP line item and configured with Attribute Mapping).




Click the Load From Contract button: A popup window will be displayed, where you can select contract line items in a search view. Click OK button, the popup window will be closed and the selected contract line items will be inserted as new RFP line items with default values of (Sub-)Contractor, SOV Item and Unit (if these fields exist in RFP line item and configured with Attribute Mapping).




The RFP line items are in viewing mode by default. To edit a RFP line item, you need to enter editing mode by clicking the Edit icon EditLineItemat the front of the line or double-clicking the line.


Line No.: Unique number of the RFP line item. It is automatically generated by system and cannot be edited.


SOV Item: Schedule of Value item that describes the work. Browse and select a SOV Item by clicking Magnifier.


Type: General type of the RFP line item, the same type will be applied to contract line item as well. You can manage it on the Manage Picklist page.


(Sub-)Contractor: The Vendor that performs the work of the line item. Browse and select a vendor by clicking Magnifier.


Unit: The unit of the work for the line item.


Original Unit Price, Quantity and Amount: The initial values of the associated contract line item.


Before Change Amount: The latest value of the associated contract line item.


Adjusted Unit Price, Quantity and Amount: The adjusted values of the RFP line item.


After Change Unit Price, Quantity and Amount: The new values of the associated contract line item after applying change from the current RFP line item. Its value = [(Original Unit Price + Adjusted Unit Price) x (Original Quantity + Adjusted Quantity)].




1. If the primary contract of the RFP has fallen into below specific contract types, below fields will be shown by RFP line item structure configuration.


    Cost Type: It is used for NTE contract only. You can manage it on the Manage Picklist page.


     Category: It is used for Job Costing Master and Job Order contracts only. You can manage it on the Manage Picklist page.


2. If the new RFP line item has no association with any contract line item, its basic information (e.g. SOV Item, Type, (Sub-)Contractor, Unit, etc.) and Adjusted Values should be editable. Otherwise only Adjusted Values can be edited while other fields will be automatically populated to be the same as the associated contract line item. Such population should be setup by Entity Attribute Mapping.


Once you've finished editing a RFP line item, click the Update icon okat the front of the line. If you want to discard the editing, click the Cancel icon Undo.


You can click the Popup to Edit icon Edit to enter the Edit Line Item Detail page.


You can remove a RFP line item by clicking the Remove icon removeat the front of the row.


You can edit RFP line item(s) in batch mode in the following ways:


1. Select line item(s) and click the Batch Delete icon DeleteSelectBudget. These line items will be deleted in a batch.


2. Select line item(s) and click the Batch Update icon BatchUpdate. The following batch update screen will be shown.




     - You can fill in batch update values and click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the changes made on selected RFP line item(s).


     - You can uncheck “Is Updated” checkbox to deselect any unwanted values from the batch update.


     - You can force blank value to overwrite the existing values by checking the “Is Updated” checkbox of that particular field.


     - You can add AddRow or deleteremovesplit line item(s) if line item splitting is enabled, which will override existing split line item(s) of the selected RFP line item(s).


You can view change history of RFP Line Items by clicking the View Line Item Audit Trail button. The system will then open the Browse Audit Trail Details page in a new window.



Edit Financial Impacts for Parent-Sub Contracts


If the Primary Contract of this RFP is a parent contract, the UI of Financial Impact tab will be switched to the following:


RFP Financial Impact - Parent Sub - 1


A Change Summary grid is shown on top of the page for you to control the scope of contract changes for this RFP:

1. Click the Add Add icon to select which contract(s) among the parent-sub contract family you would be involved into the current RFP.

2. A pop up will show up to allow you to select one or multiple contracts from this family to make changes.

3. Selected contracts will be shown in the grid.

4. Click on the View Detail view icon of a contract in the grid to show its line item sections respectively.

5. Click the Load From Contract button to load the source contract line items into each section for change purpose.

6. Selected contract line items will be loaded into the line item section grid as new change line items.


RFP Financial Impact - Parent Sub - 2


To adjust the scope of this RFP regarding the number of contracts, you can check one or more contracts in the Change Summary grid and click on the Batch Delete DeleteSelectBudget icon to remove these contracts from the RFP, all associated sections and change line items will be removed at the same time. Or you can delete one contract by clicking the Delete Delete icon in the grid.


You can click click the Collapse/Expand change_order_collapse icon to collapse/expand the Change Summary grid.


You can click the Generate Change Details Report change_details_report icon to generate a change details report about this RFP.



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