You can add a new picklist by selecting a picklist type (either Normal or Boolean), and then clicking the Add button.
Normal is for picklists containing multiple items for selection, whereas Boolean is for picklists containing only two logically opposite values for selection, such as Yes and No.
Enter a name for the new picklist. The maximum length of picklist is allowed up to 100 characters.
Click Add Item button to add an item to the picklist in the Add Item popup window:
To add a picklist item, fill in the following fields:
The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).
Item Value*: The ID of the picklist item and it must be unique within a picklist.
Item Name*: The display name of the picklist item and it must be unique within a picklist.
Notes: Additional notes or description on the picklist item.
Click the OK button to add the picklist item and close the dialog box; click the Cancel button to close the Add Item popup window without adding the picklist item.
Once you have returned to the Picklist Management page, click the Save button to add the picklist or click the Cancel button to return to the page with the existing picklists listed without adding the new picklist.