Transfer Transaction General

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Transfer Management > Browse Transfers > Edit Transfer > Transfer Transaction


You can edit a transfer transaction's information on the Transfer Transaction page.


Transfer Transaction


Transaction Information


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Transfer Transaction No.: The identification number of this transfer transaction. It is read-only and auto generated by the system.


Created On: The creation time of this transfer transaction. It is read-only .


Transfer Description: Description of this transfer transaction.


Once you've finished editing, click the Save button to save the transfer.


You can click the Delete button to delete the transfer transaction. A dialog will prompt for confirmation before the transfer can be deleted from the system. The system will then go to the Edit Transfer General page.


You can click the Cancel button to abort the current operation and go to the Edit Transfer General page or return to the original entrance.

You can view the change history of this transaction's line items by clicking the View Line Item Audit Trail button. The system will then open the Browse Audit Trail Details page in a new window.


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