Add Bulletin

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Supplier Requests > Add Bulletin or

Implementation > Supplier Requests > Browse Bulletins; click the Add icon or

Implementation > Supplier Requests > Browse Contractor Requests for Information > edit a RFI > Bulletin subsection; click the Add icon


Bulletin is a written demand submitted by the Designer or Owner to the Contractor seeking a Contractor proposal for additional work resulting in monetary compensation, time or other adjustments to the contract.


You can add a Bulletin on the Add Bulletin page.


If you access this page from edit a RFI > Bulletin subsection > Click Add, a notice that the RFI issue will be associated with the Bulletin will be displayed at the top of the page.




To add a Bulletin , fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Primary Project*: The primary project that the Bulletin is associated with. Click the lookup icon, then the system will popup a window for selecting a project.


Primary Contract*: The primary contract that the Bulletin is associated with. Click the lookup icon, then the system will popup a window for selecting a contract.


Bulletin No.*: The number of the Bulletin. It is auto-generated by the system.


Bulletin Title: The title of the Bulletin. You can enter a value in the text field.


Issuance Date*: The date when the Bulletin is issued. By default is the current date.


Owner: The owner of the Bulletin. You can enter a value in the text field.


Description: The description of the Bulletin.


Click the Save & Continue button to save the new Bulletin and go to the Update Bulletin page of the newly added Bulletin where you can add related information of the Bulletin.


Click the Save & Add button to save the new Bulletin and add another one.


Click the Cancel button to abort the current operation. The system will go to the Browse Bulletins page. If you access this page from Edit RFI entrance, the system will return to that page.


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