Add Document Template

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Navigate Here: Utilities >Templates > Document Templates > click on the Add icon


You can add a document template on the Add Document Template page.








To add a document template, fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Document Template ID*: ID of the document template. It must be unique and manually entered.


Document Template Name*: Name of the document template. It is manually entered and doesn’t have to be unique.


Active*: Only when "Yes" is checked can the template become effective.By default, “Yes” option is selected.


Automatic Copy*: Specify when an active template is published whether system can automatically make copy of the document template to an entity. This feature will become disabled if the template is deactivated or un-published, meaning that only when a document template is in “Active” status and also is published can the automatic copy be enabled.


Entity: Specifies the entity associated with the document template. Select an entity from the dropdown list then click on icon AddRow. A field set for defining expressions will appear below. Define appropriate expressions to specify which kind of entity objects can use the document template. Note: currently,Implementation Project, Design Review are the entities that Document Template supports.


Select Available Nodes: You have to select nodes in this section which are for the document folder structure use.  Select the check boxes of the desired nodes on the Select Available Nodes section. All nodes of the classification are managed in Classifications module.


Click the Save & Continue button to save the document template and move to Configure Template Documents tab page of Edit Document Template page.


Click the Cancel button to abort your operations and return to the Browse Document Templates page.


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