Manage Document Template Documents

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Navigate Here: Utilities >Templates > Document Templates > Select one Document Template->click into Configure Template Documents


You can manage documents and owners for each folder on Configure Template Documents tab page of Edit Document Template page.


edit docuemnt template 2


When system loads into this page, root folder will default to be selected. All documents under this root folder are viewable in the table. When select one folder in the tree structure, documents under the selected folder are displayed  accordingly.


Click the Display All Documents iconDisplay All Documents, system will show all documents under all folders in the table.


Click the Specify Owner iconspecify owner to define owners for each folder.


Click the Add icon Add at the  upper left corner of the table to add new documents for selected folder. The system will go to the Add Document page. All documents new added by this method are non-linked(physical) documents.


Click the Batch Delete icon DeleteSelectBudget at the upper left corner of the table to delete documents in batch. If deleting linked document will delete the document shortcut from current entity record while the document and its attachment will be kept intact while deleting actual document will delete the document and its attachment from the system


Click the Batch Download icon download at the upper left corner of the table to download selected documents into the local path.
You can redline the document by clicking the Markup icon markup, the system will then direct you to the Online Document Markup page in a new page.


Click the Create Linked Document(s) In iconBatch Associate Documents From at the upper left corner of the table to create linked documents from existing documents in CIPAce to the selected folder. When clicking the Create Linked Document(s) In iconBatch Associate Documents From,  page as below will pop up. Select documents in the table and click the Create Linked Document(s) Out iconBatch Associate To, the linked documents will be successfully created to the preselected folder.


Edit Document Template-associate


When all modifications at this page have completed, you can click the Finish link at the right top corner of this page to return back to previous page to take further action for this template.


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