Add Solicitation Evaluator

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Solicitation Management > Browse Solicitations, select a solicitation > Evaluators tab, click the Add icon Add


You can add a solicitation evaluator on Add Evaluator page.



To add an evaluator, fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Evaluator ID*: The identification number of the evaluator.  The system will generate it automatically by default sequence, but you can also change it as you want.


Evaluator Name*: The name of the evaluator.


Department: Browse and select a department which the evaluator belongs to by clicking Magnifier.  Options can be configured in Department Management.


Gender: The gender of the evaluator, Male or Female.


Ethnicity: The ethnicity of the evaluator.


Email: The email address of the evaluator.


Once you've finished adding, click the Save button to save the new evaluator, or click Save & Add to add another.

Click the Cancel button to return to the Evaluators tab page without saving.


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