Add Study/Analysis

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Designer Submittals > Add Study/Analysis or

Implementation > Designer Submittals > Browse Studies/Analyses; click the Add icon Add


You can add a Study/Analysis on the Add Study/Analysis page.




To add a Study/Analysis, fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Category *: There are eleven system defined categories in the list: 30%,60%,90% Design Review, Construction Schedule, Designer Contractual Request, Designer Submittal, Issue, Other Contractor Submittal, Other Designer Submittal, Product Submittal, Request for Information (RFI), Safety Plan and Study/Analysis. When you access this page by selecting menu Add Study/Analysis, it shows Study/Analysis by default.


Primary Project*: The primary project that the Study/Analysis is associated with. Click the lookup icon, then the system will pop up a window for selecting a project.


Primary Contract*: The primary contract that the Study/Analysis is associated with. Click the lookup icon, then the system will pop up a window for selecting a contract.


DSY ID*: The ID of the Study/Analysis. It is auto-generated by the system.


DSY Title*: The subject of the Study/Analysis. It does not have to be unique.


Type: Select a type for the Study/Analysis. Authorized users can add or delete a type in Dropdown List Management.


Status: Select a status for the Study/Analysis. Authorized users can add or delete a customized status in Dropdown List Management.


Priority: Select an urgency level for the Study/Analysis from one of the following three options: High, Medium, Low. By default is Medium.


Date Reported*: The date when the Study/Analysis is reported. By default is the current date.


Deadline: The deadline when the Study/Analysis should be resolved. By default is X days later than Date Reported, the number X can be configured in Configure Application Settings.


Description: The description of the Study/Analysis.


Date Resolved: The date when the Study/Analysis is resolved.


Resolution: The resolution of the Study/Analysis.


Click the Save & Continue button to save the new Study/Analysis and go to the Edit Study/Analysis page of the newly added Study/Analysis where you can add related information of the Study/Analysis.


Click the Save & Add button to save the new Study/Analysis and add another one.


Click the Cancel button to abort the current operation. The system will go to the Browse Studies/Analyses page.


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