Browse Cycles

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Navigate Here: Utilities > Cycles > Browse Cycles


You can browse all cycles and find a specific cycle on the Browse Cycles page.




A brief summary of each cycle displays in the table.  The summary includes Cycle ID, Cycle Name, Cycle Starting Year, Number Of Year, Budget Period, Is System Default Cycle, Notes, Is User Working Cycle, and Action.  You can sort the cycles by clicking the linked column headers.  If there are too many records to display on one page, you can use the navigation control to view another page.


Click the Cycle ID or Cycle Name link of one of the records, it will open the Cycle Management page for the selected item.


Click the Add icon Add, it will open the Add Cycle page.


You can set a cycle to be the system default cycle by clicking the Set As Default link in the Action column.  Before the new cycle can become the system default cycle you will be required to log out of the application.  When you click the Save button, the system will automatically log you out and then log you back in and display the application's homepage.

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