Browse Excel Data Templates

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You can browse all excel data templates on the Browse Excel Data Templates page.


Browse Excel Data Template



A brief summary of each template is displayed in the table. The summary includes Template Name, Entity, and Is Default. You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.  If there are too many records to display on one page, you can use the navigation control to view the other pages, or you may increase the number of records per page.


You can quickly find the excel data templates you want by using the search function. Enter search conditions in the search fields and click the Search button.  The templates will be filtered and the table will show the records that match the search conditions. Click the Reset button to clear the latest input.


You can add a new template by clicking on the Add icon Add  and the system will go to the Add Excel Data Template  page.


You can copy an existing template by clicking the Copy link of each row, and the system will direct into the Excel Data Template Management page with entity and selected attributes auto-populated from the source template but empty template name, then you can modify and save it as a new template.


You can edit a template by clicking on the Edit icon Edit and the application will go to the Excel Data Template Management page of the selected item.


You can delete a template by clicking on the Delete icon Delete.  The default excel data template of an entity cannot be deleted.


You can download a template for data entry by clicking the icon DocumentDownload in the Download column.


Excel Data Template Format


There are two sheets will be shown in the downloaded template file:


1)Notes” sheet: If "Export content from the Notes field to Excel when downloading this template or exporting data with this  template" has been checked in the Manage Excel Data Template pages, the content of Notes from the template will be shown in this sheet.


2)Data” sheet: An empty table of selected attributes from the template will be shown for data import & export.


- The 1st cell displays the business entity name from the template.


- The 2nd row displays the names of the selected attributes in sequence from the template.


Key attributes are highlighted in red with a blue background and commented "Required Field & Unique Identifier", they cannot be blank when importing.


Required attributes are highlighted in red with a grey background and commented "Required", they cannot be blank when importing.


Multivalued attributes are commented as "Please use a semicolon ';' to separate two values".


Note: The Excel data import process can read data records from the “Data” sheet only, so do not change the name of this sheet or it will fail to import any data.



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